Ashbya Genome Database .


Correspondence on any aspect of Ensembl is encouraged. Please choose one appropriate option when contacting Ensembl.


For website bug reports, data problems and general questions about Ensembl, please check the documentation in HelpView. If you cannot find an answer, use the Contact Helpdesk button in HelpView or send an email to

When browsing Ensembl use the Help button at the top right hand side of the page for a pop-up context-sensitive help, keyword and history searches. You might also find the glossary helpful.

Mailing Lists

The Ensembl mailing lists are ideal for programmers, code and installation discussions.

Ensembl Mailing Lists

Ensembl is an open collaborative project. We are informal and coordinate much of our work by open e-mail lists. There are two mailing lists on Ensembl:

  • ensembl-announce
    A low volume mailing list used to announce major updates and major releases. [Archive]

  • ensembl-dev
    A high volume mailing list for Ensembl development, open to all. [Archive]

    This is a mailing list with all the Ensembl developers and people who are just tracking the project. Any request is sensible here, as long as you are happy that your e-mail is seen by this many people. Programmers and systems people with questions about code and installation are encouraged to use this list, as you may get helpful replies from people outside the Ensembl team who use the system.

    We would encourage people to take questions and suggestions of small collaborations to ensembl-dev. Internally we discuss all requests across all team members who are relevant.

To subscribe to either of these lists, send an email to with this text in the body of the message:

subscribe <list-name> e.g. subscribe ensembl-announce

To unsubscribe, send an email to with this text in the body of the message:

unsubscribe <list-name> e.g. unsubscribe ensembl-dev

BioDas Mailing List

Ensembl users may also be interested in the DAS discussion list hosted by

To subscribe to this list, go to


Formal requests for, say, large scale collaborations, legal issues, etc., are best sent to either Ewan Birney or Tim Hubbard:

  • Ewan Birney
    EMBL - EBI,
    Wellcome Trust Genome Campus,
    Hinxton, Cambridge,
    CB1 1SD,
    United Kingdom.

  • Tim Hubbard
    The Morgan Building,
    Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute,
    Wellcome Trust Genome Campus,
    Hinxton, Cambridge,
    CB1 1HH,
    United Kingdom.


© 2024 University of Basel. This product includes software developed by Ensembl.

AGD version 3 based on Ensembl release 40 - Aug 2006